This page is an archive of the City’s change to by-district Council elections in 2018.
Below you will find an archive of the previous election changes including the schedule, draft maps, and resources.
Beginning in 2018, City Council members will be elected district “by-district.” By-district elections will replace the current at-large citywide election system, in which all voters have the ability to vote for all City Council seats
January 9, 2018
The City Council held its first public hearing to solicit input regarding the composition of the districts prior to drawing the draft maps.
January 16, 2018
The City Council held its second public hearing to solicit input regarding the composition of the districts prior to drawing the draft maps.
January 30, 2018
Draft maps posted on website and available at City Hall.
February 6, 2018
The City Council will hold a public hearing to solicit public input on the initial draft maps and election sequencing.
February 20, 2018
The City Council will hold another public hearing to solicit public input on the initial draft maps and election sequencing.
The City Council will select its preferred map and election sequence, and then hold first and second readings to consider adopt the ordinance.
Follow-Up Map Proposals Due by Feb 11
The release of the initial draft maps is only the beginning of the mapping process, not the end. When users of the online tool submit their maps, they can also opt to “share” their maps as new templates for all users of the system. In addition, NDC (the City’s demographic consultants for this project) will have drawn and shared the four initial draft maps in the online districting tool so that residents can simply choose their preferred initial draft map, then draw and submit any proposed revisions. There is no need to redraw a map from scratch.
After the initial deadline on January 29th, residents can use the online districting tool (or any other method) to draft and submit initial draft map revisions for public and Council consideration as the process moves forward.
February 11th deadline: to be considered by the Council at the February 20th public hearing, a map must be posted to this website and available at City Hall by February 13th. It takes about 48 hours to process and post a map after you submit it, so please submit any proposed map revision(s) as soon as possible and no later than February 11th!
Draft Maps
Draft districting maps for the Lemoore City Council election districts are now available! Draft maps 101 through 105 are posted in PDF format for viewing and/or printing, along with a PDF demographic profile of the map. The maps are also posted to the interactive review map that allows residents to zoom in or out on map details or to search for a specific address.The interactive review map also allows residents to overlay the Elementary and/or High School District trustee area borders.
February 6th Update: Focus Maps Selected
At their February 6th Council meeting, a public hearing was held followed by Council discussion. The Council selected maps 102 and 104 as their “focus maps” for additional consideration at the next hearing on this topic, scheduled for February 20th.
New February 13th: Additional Draft Map
Map 105 was submitted by a member of the public and has been process and added to the links below.
What do you think of the Draft Maps?
The Council wants to know not just which map(s) you like or dislike, but why you feel that way about each map. These are the first drafts, not necessarily the final maps, and future versions can include revisions aimed at addressing the concerns raised by residents.
Please take the time to look at them and share your thoughts, either by email, by letter, at a Council meeting, or directly at City Hall.
Follow-Up Map Proposals
Residents can still use the online districting tool (or any other method) to draft and submit initial draft map revisions for public and Council consideration as the process moves forward. Each of the four initial draft maps is now available as a map template in the online tool, so you only need to pick the map you wish to modify, make your proposed changes, and submit the revised map. You do not need to redraw the map from scratch.
Focus Maps
Map 102:
Two-page PDF packet with map and demographic profile. Proposed election years by district are listed on the map.
Comments from the map submitter:
“Districts roughly equal in population. Each has a current Council Member. Percentages of various criteria are relatively consistent.”
Map 104:
Two-page PDF packet with map and demographic profile. Proposed election years by district are listed on the map.
Comments from the map submitter:
“Highly compact map. District C follows Lemoore High trustee area 1 border as closely as possible (matches everywhere except for population balancing in west). Latino neighborhood north of Hanford Armona Rd united in E. Latino neighborhoods around 18th north of Bush St united in D. Each Councilmember is in a different district. In District D, 49% of eligible voters (measured by Citizen Voting Age Population ) are Latino.”
New Map
Map 105:
Two-page PDF packet with map and demographic profile. Proposed election years by district are listed on the map.
Comments from the map submitter:
“I tried to split up the sections where possible growth is and sections where commerce exists.”
Previous Maps
All draft maps are available on the interactive review map, or PDF files for each individual map are available below.
Map 101:
Two-page PDF packet with map and demographic profile. Proposed election years by district are listed on the map.
Comments from the map submitter:
“Using the main streets in the City as boundaries.”
Map 103:
Two-page PDF packet with map and demographic profile. Proposed election years by district are listed on the map.
Comments from the map submitter:
“Non-compact because all five districts have a portion of 18th Ave and four of the five districts have a portion of D Street. Each Councilmember in a different district. Latino neighborhood north of Hanford Armona Rd united in B. Latino neighborhoods around 18th north of Bush St united in D. Very low population deviation. District C matches Lemoore Elementary Trustee Area 5 exactly. District A is very similar to Lemoore Elementary Trustee Area 4. District E includes all of the northeast city portion of Lemoore Elementary Trustee Area 3 (trustee area 3 also wraps around to get the far western portion of the city). Each Councilmember is in a separate district. In District D, 47% of eligible voters (measured by Citizen Voting Age Population) are Latino.”
- The California Voting Rights Act, Elections Code §§ 14025-14032
- Resolution of Intent (adopted December 12, 2017), Resolution No. 2017-223, English and Spanish. Meeting Video. Staff report in English and Spanish.
- January 17th, 2018, Council Hearing: Hearing notice in English and Spanish. Staff report in English and Spanish.
- Lemoore Union Elementary School District trustee areas map (in PDF format)
Additional meeting videos, meeting and forum presentations, news releases and other useful reference materials will be added here as they become available.